- SEER Associates - Safety, Environment and Emergency Response Services

Dispersant trials, "Iron Baron", Tasmania 1995

Emergency Response and Oil Spill Services

Oil Spill Response and Planning encompasses a range of services including:

  • Project support.
  • Preparation of Contingency Plans.
  • Training, desktop exercises and field drills.
  • Assessment of response equipment and human resource requirements and audits. Development of equipment specification and procurement.
  • Spill response support.
  • Scientific assessment of pollutant distribution, behaviour and effects.
  • Post spill monitoring assessment.
  • Expert witness services.


Past clients have included:

  • Oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Refineries and storage farms.
  • Minerals export terminals.
  • Ports and harbours
  • Government agencies.

Contingency Planning

SEER Contingency Plans are concise, focussed and usable.

SEER Associates will ensure that all plans are tested and that client staff are able to implement the required procedures. SEER Associates will provide ongoing support to all clients.

Scientific Assessment

Appropriate analysis of oil or other products can provide valuable information on their behaviour and persistence in the environment

Combined with an assessment of the environment, this can be used to develop response measures, and to predict effects and recovery.

SEER Associates can scope, undertake and interpret scientific studies for clients.

SEER can commission and, importantly interpret, Pollution Analysis on behalf of clients

Equipment Assessments and Audits

Based on an assessment of potential spill products, environmental conditions, sensitivities and response priorities, SEER Associates can assess current response capabilities or future needs.

The status of currently held equipment can also be assessed and recommendations made should improvements be indicated.

Equipment Specifications and Procurement

SEER Associates experienced staff can develop equipment specifications and guide clients through the complex procurement process.

Assistance in tendering, tender assessment and assessment of delivered equipment can be undertaken.

Response Support

Incident response support can be provided in the form of :

  • Provision of personnel for Incident Management Team roles.
  • Cleanup (supervisors, operators).
  • Scientific support: - Shoreline assessment. - Spill response monitoring. - Trajectory modelling. - Fates and effects predictions. - Oil analysis for fingerprinting or for determining weathering.

Some of these services are provided through SEER Associates’ affiliated companies.

Post Spill Assessments

After a response has been completed SEER Associates can assist clients in:

  • Post spill damage assessments
  • Assessments of the response.
  • Assessment of equipment performance.
  • Development of monitoring programmes.

These assessments include recommendations for any remedial actions that may be required.

Expert Witness

SEER Associates’ unique combination of broad practical experience and academic qualifications enables the presentation of defendable testimony should this be required.

Pre-hearing Reports and Case Guidelines can be prepared at request.

Residual Oil surveys

Oil Spill Response Planning Services

SEER Associates can supply the full suite of oil spill response (OSR) and planning services as well as provide these for releases of other substances and general emergency response.

SEER OSR Planning System

  • A comprehensive, integrated OSR Management System can be developed setting Company-wide Policies, Standards, Procedures, Requirements, Guidelines and supporting resources.
  • Facility/Operations Oil Spill Contingency Plans containing; - OSR preparedness and response responsibilities. - Reporting requirements. - Planning and Management Procedures Strategies and Guidelines. - Response actions designed for specific materials and situations. - Response monitoring, assessment and documentation procedures. - Plan and equipment maintenance schedules and procedures. - Health and safety including decontamination. - Waste management. - Security. - Demobilisation procedures.
  • Practical Handbooks covering applicable components of incident management and field response.
  • Supporting documents such as management systems documents, environmental plans, strategy or equipment reviews.

Integrated ER/OSR Document System

Oil Spill Contingency Plans

SEER Associates’ OSCPs are based on a thorough review and analysis of the facility risks, oil character and behaviour, ambient environmental conditions, geopolitical conditions, regulatory requirements and agreed priorities.

SEER Associates consultants have a unique combination of substantial incident management, field operations and scientific experience.

This skill and experience is combined to produce OSCPs which are functional, justifiable and provide optimum environmental protection through efficient and effective response.

SEER Associates’ OSCPs utilise clear user-friendly flowcharts, checklists and tables and combine thoroughness with clarity, practical guidelines and instructions.

Training in the use of the OSCP is an integral part of the service provided by SEER Associates and ensures that:

  • The client’s staff are familiar with, and have ownership of, the document.
  • Information and guidelines for response can be rapidly found, understood and used.
  • Ongoing revisions can be done “in house”.

Practical and justifiable plans are based on a foundation of focused studies

Training and Exercises

SEER Associates’ training is world-class. Trainers are experienced and dedicated to passing experience and knowledge to clients.

Supporting handbooks and materials, together with ongoing support ensure that client staff retain their acquired skills.

A full range of OSR training can be provided including:

  • Drills and Desk-top Exercises.
  • Equipment Operator training.
  • Familiarisation (overview) courses including IMO level I, II and III courses.
  • Senior Management .
  • Shoreline Response (operator).
  • Shoreline Assessment.
  • Scientific Response.
  • OSR Health and Safety.
  • Incident Command and Control.
  • Inland Spill Response.

SEER Associates training is renowned for being well presented, applicable and presented by instructors with real skills and experience in the presented topics. [SEER Training]


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